Greetings dear brothers and sisters in Christ!
In this article, I want to give brief information about what is a mission, who is a missionary and missionary activities in India and other countries.
Mission Meaning :
The mission is that the divine activity of sending intermediaries, whether supernatural or human, to talk or do God's Will in order that his purposes for judgment or redemption are furthered. The biblical concept is expressed by the utilization of verbs meaning "to send, " normally with God because of the expressed subject. The Hebrew verb is salah [j;l'v] and therefore the Greek is apostello [ajpostevllw]. These terms emphasize the authoritative, commissioning relationship involved. The Scriptures also employ the cognates Apostolos [ajpovstolo"] ("apostle, " the one sent) and apostle [ajpostolhv] ("apostleship, " the function of being sent), pertaining to the one sent and his function.
The biblical concept of "mission" comprehends the authority of the one who sends; the obedience of the one sent; a task to be accomplished; the facility to accomplish the task; and a purpose within the moral framework of God's covenantal working of judgment or redemption.
“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved.
- Mathew 16:15
Watch a video on Biblical Missions by Paul Washer.
Missionary meaning :
Missionary in a sentence people who are sent by God to do his mission is called missionaries.
Many people share the gospel to the people who are like us, it seems general to share the gospel with others who have the same language, culture, economic status, education levels, and so on.
But, its different one to step out of the comfort zone and try to figure out how to share the gospel with someone who is very different than us. It involves learning a new language, new culture, being stretched, and thinking about how to share the gospel to various people.
Christian Missionary Activities :
Watch this video on Christian missionary sacrificial lives.
Watch this short video about Missionaries works in India.
Development of Missionaries to India :
Christian preachers and missionaries are needed for India.Let them come here in hundreds & thousands. Teach us about the Holy life & History of Jesus. Let his spiritual teachings penetrate the heart of our society.Preach in every nooks and corner.