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The Fall of Adam and Eve


Greetings dear brothers and sisters in Christ!

The FALL Through Falsehood: Today In the part of Bible Reading Plan in 240 Days, let us read Genesis 3rd Chapter.

Sin Entered through Mankind through lies... Genesis 3:1-7.

*I can't emphasize enough how vital it is to know the Word of God for our everyday living. It is our spiritual manual and daily bread. God breathed into man at creation and into His Word through the authors of the Bible and the man became a Living Soul and the Word became the Living bread, Genesis 2:7, 2 Timothy 3:16.*_

the fall of man


Satan knew the power of God's Word and he used his most powerful weapon called deception to doubt God's Word at the onset of creating humankind._ 

*Adam and Eve Who were Created in God's Image were Deceived to Doubt God's Word.  Eve was led to believe that she can be like God and desired the wisdom that Satan offered in exchange for the Wisdom of God. Genesis 3:5-6.*

adam and eve story

_🕎After an intimate Walk with God, Adam and Eve Doubted and Disobeyed God. Satan is still masterful at Deception and giving Alternate Truth which has become the Norm these days._

*When Doubt comes knocking on our Door, send Faith to Answer!*

*🕎Faith comes from hearing the Word of God and continually hearing the Word of God, Romans 10:17. Unless we read and hear and do the Word, we cannot stand up to Satan's deception.*

_🕎Satan not only causes us to doubt through deception but he will also distort the truth. Satan loves to reshape the truth. He does it in a subtle way._

*“Did God actually say?”, Genesis 3:1.*

_Satan designed his question in such a way to ensure that Eve will doubt, debate, discuss and enter into an unholy dialogue about God's command._ 

_🕎Satan’s first step in deceiving Eve was having her question the truthfulness of God’s word. Satan could have asked Eve to just eat the fruit. But he presented the reality with a falsehood. Satan, went on to challenge what God had said by telling her, *“You will not surely die”, Genesis 3:4.* Now, from deception, Eve has doubt in her mind and falls into unbelief._

_What is interesting to note is that Eve was so focused on what God said *not to do*, rather than to focus on the blessings of all the other trees._

_🕎This is what happens to us when we are tempted. We don't focus on the blessings we have but focus on what we should not do. If our eyes are on the blessings God has given us, like friends, family, spouse, children, job, etc, why would we tempt to look at things that will cause us to commit adultery, murder and theft?_ 

*🕎When God becomes too uncomfortable for us, we make our own rules. We fashion other gods, which become our idols.*

_🕎There are always tragic consequences when we reject God's Word and give in to temptation, as Adam and Eve found out, Genesis 3:13–19._

_🕎The way we overcome temptation is to do what Jesus did. The way Jesus overcame Satan’s temptation was not by denying God’s Word but by relying on it to defeat Satan in his temptations, Luke 4:4, 8, 12._

_🕎Jesus overcame Satan’s temptations by quoting Scripture, saying to him, *“It is written,”* which is equivalent to *“that settles it.”* Jesus understood that the Word of God was sufficient for any temptation, whether in the Wilderness or in the garden of Gethsemane._  

_*🕎Child of God, let the 240 days of Bible reading result in standing up to Satan with the power of the Word of God. Settle it now in your heart, mind, and thoughts, that the word of God will settle everything, Satan throws my way...


           Also see the Beginning of the Creation                                                

Glory to God 

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